Who we are
Land and Development Expertise Center (LADEC), is a Burundian social enterprise working to promote good land governance and other natural resources. LADEC was created in 2017, capitalising on the solid experience of its founding members in land issues within the framework of the implementation of the Swiss Cooperation's land project in Ngozi. Its work focuses mainly on research, capacity building and project management related to land certification, land conflict management and to gender and land issues. LADEC's ambition is to extend its intervention to the sectors of food security, environment and land use management.
Our Mission
Through research, we produce analyses and proposals to feed, influence and enlighten development policies. On the basis of research results, we organize and facilitate dialogue frameworks involving public authorities, technical and financial partners, civil society and citizens.
We initiate, design, manage and/or implement development projects at different levels, projects that take into account the real needs of the beneficiaries. Capitalizing on our areas of expertise, we provide counsel, monitoring and evaluation services and support to development projects and processes.
Our Vision
Our History
Indeed, thanks to the individual/isolated and systematic approaches (OGR), more than 40% of land rights in the intervention area have been secured. In addition, approximately 70% of land conflicts were peacefully resolved by community structures during land recognition processes.
In addition, land users who wished to do so were able to access microcredit by pledging land certificates to financial institutions.
Thanks to the numerous studies conducted or commissioned by this project, the team has deepened its understanding of the complexity of the issues surrounding decentralized land management. These include issues related to ownership and sustainability of communal land services, delimitation of hill and swamp lands, management of mutations on certified or recognized rights, taking into consideration women's land rights in the land certification process, and the perception of land security by land users. The Project ended in 2017.
With the encouragement of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Burundi, the former team that was piloting the Land Project wanted to capitalize on the acquired rich experience, skills and expertise to put them to the benefit of communities and development actors, both public and private at the national, regional and international level. It is therefore within this framework that it founded LADEC.
LADEC was formed on April 12, 2017 by former employees of the Swiss Cooperation Land Project and expanded to other individuals with proven expertise in the domain of land, governance and development. On May 12, 2017, LADEC was registered in the Registre de commerce under the No. 09059. Established in Ngozi where its headquarters is located, the center is operational since January 1, 2018.
LADEC has at its disposal the tools for its operation and management. These are the statutes, the internal regulations and the administrative, financial and accounting procedures manual.
LADEC has already defined its vision, objectives, area of intervention, area of action and action plan for 5 years from 2018.
Land and Development Expertise Center (LADEC), is a Burundian social enterprise working to promote good land governance and other natural resources. LADEC was created in 2017, capitalising on the solid experience of its founding members in land issues within the framework of the implementation of the Swiss Cooperation's land project in Ngozi. Its work focuses mainly on research, capacity building and project management related to land certification, land conflict management and to gender and land issues. LADEC's ambition is to extend its intervention to the sectors of food security, environment and land use management.