Exchanging ideas with the councils of notables and other conflict management structures at the local level on their daily tasks, sharing the situation of land and community conflicts managed during the first half of this year, sharing communications on gender sensitivity and the prevention of exploitation, These were the main objectives of the workshops held from June 26 to june 30, 2023, in the five communes that constitute the « PRCF » (Prevention and Resolution of Land Conflicts) project intervention zone, namely Gatara, Matongo, Ngozi, Ruhororo and Tangara, as well as the six courts of residence operating in these very communes.
A total of 186 participants took part in these exchanges, including 35 women. Amongthem were members of the offices of the councils of notables from the 40 localities (collines) in the intervention zone, presidents of the courts of residence, representatives of the provincial and communal administration, representatives of the partner structures for each commune and the chief civil clerks of the courts of residence.
The workshops prooved to be a great success, thanks to the involvement of the administration and the justice system in the communal exchange spaces.
The Prevention and Resolution of Land Conflits project intervenes in partnership with formal and informal structures in the management of land and community conflicts, with a main focus on changing the attitudes of the people in the area of action due consideration given to land rights in general and women's land rights in particular. A periodic exchange forum brings together the various actors (including the administration and the judiciary) involved in managing community and land conflicts to discuss the current situation of conflicts in the communities, as well as the
challenges they meet in order to strengthen social cohesion and promote peace.
Participants in Gatara commune. In collaboration with the local and provincial authorities, LADEC facilitated the exchanges
The governor advisors of Ngozi and Kayanza in charge of legal affairs, who are at the same time the project's focal points in the action zone, invited participants to take advantage of the conclusions of the exchanges resulting from these workshops to well manage misunderstandings between those involved in this work and to excel in areas where conflict resolution has been a success. They also advised them to take the lead in respecting girls’ and women’s land rights, as it is still obvious that most members of these structures still need to develop gender sensitivity for a positive evolution in promoting girls' and women's land rights.
Participants in Ruhororo. In collaboration with the local and provincial authorities, LADEC facilitated the exchanges
The Prevention and Resolution of Land Conflits project promised to support the councils of notables in the 40 pilot localities by providing logistical support and capacity-building for the members of the councils as far as possible and within the limits of available resources.
Gender sensitivity and training in women's land rights....
The meetings also provided an opportunity to exchange views with the councils of notables on their professional ethics and non-discrimination in their day-to-day tasks.
Participants from all these communes had the opportunity to engage in a rich discussion on women's land rights in general, and their contribution to gender-sensitive handling of practical cases. In the light of the exchanges, it was noted that the capacities of members of councils of notables and other conflict management structures need to be built and strengthened in terms of gender sensitivity and the fight against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment, in order to better meet the needs of those seeking mediation or justice, especially vulnerable or marginalized social categories.