From May 10 to 12, 2023, a training workshop for lawyers from the Ngozi and Kayanza provinces was held at the Hôtel ACCOLADE in downtown Gitega.
The workshop was organized by the “Centre de Formation Professionnelle de la Justice” (CFPJ) in collaboration with the Land and Development Expertise Center (LADEC), as part of the implementation of the Land Conflict Prevention and Resolution project, funded by the Swiss Cooperation Office in Burundi. A total of 43 lawyers working in the judicial provinces of Kayanza and Ngozi (the project's area of action) were invited to attend.
The need for this training arose after the first workshop of this kind had been organized for magistrates in the same project area. Indeed, it is necessary to share the content of this land case law with all concerned in the justice system, especially as it was set up by the Supreme Court in the absence of the law on inheritance, gifts and matrimonial regimes.
The lawyers expressed their satisfaction at the availability of this document, which contributes to the harmonizing judicial decisions throughout the country, and pledged to use it in their profession, particularly in the defense of land-related cases, especially since the Supreme Court judge-trainer has shown the position to be adopted in conflicts cases relating to land litigation in Burundi.
The trainers reminded participants to take account of legal instruments that advocate equality for all, and to stop referring to customary practices that discriminate against women. They did not forget to remind them that a lawyer must be the scout for the judge (who is also aware of the existence of the tool, as we read in this article: https://ladec.bi/index.php/nouvelles/75-magistrats-du-siege-de-la-zone-d- intervention-du-projet-prevention-et-resolution-des-conflits-fonciers-prcf-formes-et- sensibilises-sur-la-prise-en-compte-des-instruments-internationaux-dans-la-prise-de- decisions-judiciaires-en-cas-de-litiges-fonciers ) by basing their pleadings on well- researched legal bases.
The case law, introduced in December 2022 by the Supreme Court of Burundi with the support of LADEC, is in itself a good reference tool for land conflict management, and should be used at all costs, not only in the Project or LADEC area, but also and appropriately throughout the country.